
Lost Password

Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

Problems? PLEASE NOTE:

If you are having problems logging in to a page on our website, please check your spam folder AND your trash folder for emails from this site. Spam blockers that are active in the background of your web browser will  often send emails from our site to your trash folder or spam folder because they do not recognize our URL as one of your contacts.

We use a two-step login process to protect your information and ours.  On your first login attempt, the screen will take the login information you entered and, if your email and password are correct and you do in fact have an account, the website will send an email to the email address on your account with the subject “Login Verification Required“. In that email, there is a LINK YOU MUST CLICK TO VERIFY YOUR INFO. When you click the link, you’ll be returned to the login screen of our website where you enter the email and password again to login to your account.

You can turn on two-step authentication in your account if you’d like to bypass this process in the future.

If all else fails, call Matt Langley at 207 337 2375 for assistance. Matt does not pick up immediately if he does not recognize your phone number but please leave a message with your concerns and Matt will return your call promptly.